
Hooters is the trade name of two privately held American restaurant chains: Hooters of America, Incorporated,
based in Atlanta, Georgia, and Hooters, Incorporated, based in Clearwater, Florida. The Hooters name is taken from an American slang term for female breasts; its logo is
an owl, an animal well known for its "hooting" calls. Hooters is a restaurant with a waitstaff primarily made up of attractive waitresses, though the company also employs
other males/females as cooks, hosts (at some franchises), busboys, and managers. The sex appeal of the waitresses is a primary part of the company's image. The menu includes
hamburgers and other sandwiches, steaks, seafood entrees, appetizers, and the restaurant's specialty, chicken wings.
Other offerings for sale include Hooters T-shirts, sweatshirts, and various souvenirs and curios. btw company owned locations and franchises, there are now more than
460 Hooters throughout the United States.
The looks of the waitresses are a main selling feature of the restaurant. A Hooters Girl is a waitress employed by the Hooters restaurant chain. The girls are recognizable
by their uniform of a white tank top with the "Hootie the Owl" logo and the location name on the front paired with the famously short nylon orange runner's shorts.
Originally, the shirts were white cotton, pulled tight and knotted in the back to emphasize the breasts and expose the midriff. Later, Hooters changed to a tight white spandex
tank top and eliminated the knot-tying. The company also began using other colors and designs for their tops such as a camouflage theme on Monday ("Military Mondays"), black
on Friday ("Formal Fridays"), some Sundays, for special occasions, and for important local football and basketball games, and the football uniforms of local National
Football League teams during the NFL season, although this varies from state to state and by location. The remainder of the Hooters Girls uniform consists of the restaurant's
brown ticket pouch (or a black one with the black uniform), pantyhose, white loose socks, and clean white shoes. Men who work at Hooters wear Hooters hats, t-shirts with
long pants, Bermuda shorts, or attire more suitable for kitchen use. Recently, Hooters approved a second uniform option for its waitresses, a white midriff-baring cropped shirt
with the Hooters logo & restaurant location that appears on the tank tops emblazoned on the chest.
